Sellers on SidelineSwap can now generate Scan Sheets for their USPS labels. Scan sheets permit sellers to present only one barcode for their postal carrier to scan instead of the carrier scanning each individual label. Doing so saves time, and ensures all packages get scanned in so the tracking will immediately update.
To print a scan sheet, start by clicking "Print All Labels" from your "Ship Now" folder:
Note, clicking "View Scan Sheets" will take you to past scan sheets. You cannot view your new scan sheet without first clicking "Print All Labels".
From there, you'll see the typical Print Label view, but now with the option to "Print USPS Scan Sheet":
You'll be redirected to a page where you can see your full history of scan sheets. Simply click "View Scan Sheet" on the most recent link to access and print the scan sheet!
Please note, you should only print one scan sheet per day. This is because the same swap will not be included on multiple scan sheets.
These scan sheets will not include FedEx or UPS shipping labels. Please ensure that you're printing those labels separately.