Some items on SidelineSwap might be listed as "Auctions", which allow buyers to compete with each other for the highest bid and to walk away the auction winner.
To identify these items, simply look for the "Auction" label on the item:
How do I bid on an auction item?
You can see the highest offer on the item page, so to throw your hat in the ring, simply make an offer for more than the current bid.
Auctions last 7 days, so if you have the highest offer at the end of those 7 days, the item is yours! As the auction continues, however, you may be outbid. If that happens, we'll let you know so you can consider offering an even hgiher bid.
Once the 7 days is up, if you're the winner, we'll provide your seller with a prepaid shipping label so they can ship your gear out to you ASAP.