The standard timeline for international shipments is 7-21 days. This timeline can vary depending on a number of factors, including but not limited to the originating country, the destination country, and where within the originating county the seller is shipping from. A shipment from Buffalo, New York to Toronto, Ontario will likely be faster than a shipment from Montreal, Quebec to Los Angeles, California, for example.
Please note that SidelineSwap does not offer shipping speed guarantees. If your purchase is time-sensitive, we suggest finding a listing posted by a domestic seller. As shown below, we allow buyers to filter by "Seller Location" in the search experience:
Additional fees: When a package is shipped internationally, it may be subject to import taxes, customs duties, and/or fees imposed by the destination country. These charges will typically be due once the shipped goods arrive at the country of destination.
COVID disclaimer: During this pandemic, we are seeing many shipments exceed the 21-day timeline referenced above. Even with staffing shortages afflicting shipping carriers worldwide, more than 99% of SidelineSwap shipments are still arriving at their intended addresses. If your shipment is in transit but delayed, please be patient. The package will arrive, but we apologize that delivery may not be as prompt as we're all used to.