We strive to deliver the best experience for our buyers and sellers. Making sure buyers receive their order, as advertised and in a timely manner, is one way we do that. To maintain an excellent refund rate (below 2%), please make sure you ship your orders quickly and keep your inventory up to date.
Here's why else your refund rate matters:
- Our search algorithm gives preferential treatment to Sellers with the lowest refund rate. In other words, we surface their listings higher in search and browse.
- Our marketing team only includes items posted by Sellers with a refund rate below a certain percentage in their campaigns. If you're a good Seller, we want to put more of your items in front of potential Buyers.
- We've surveyed thousands of Buyers over the years. The data tell us that Buyers are nearly 3x more likely to buy from Sellers with a strong Seller rating than Sellers with no feedback or bad feedback.
- Sellers with a lower refund rate become eligible for various Seller Badges, which distinguish them from the general selling community.
- SidelineSwap reserves the right to remove the listings from an account with a high refund rate.
A seller's refund rate excludes refunds that are determined to be out of the seller's control.