When a Buyer purchases an item, their payment is escrowed, which means the funds are in neither the Buyer’s nor the Seller’s possession. Sellers only get paid once the Buyer has received the item in its promised condition.
We message no-ships 2, 4, and 7 days after the date of purchase and then follow up with the Seller until we’ve confirmed shipment.
If your purchase has not been shipped after 5 days, you will have the option to cancel the sale directly from your swap page, unless the Seller has already clicked on the shipping label to print. All Buyers can cancel their unshipped orders after 12 days, regardless of whether the Seller has accessed the shipping label.
SidelineSwap automatically cancels and refunds all orders after 21 days, unless an extension has been requested by the Buyer and Seller.
If you require assistance, please contact SidelineSwap Support.