If you have your own shipping account with USPS, UPS, FedEx, Canada Post, Purolator or another carrier, you can now set your own shipping costs on a per item basis from the "List Item" page.
From the Shipping Options/Details section, select the Use Your Own Shipping Label option and set your shipping cost for your US based and Canada based customers. Please note that your customer will pay the full amount of this cost at checkout. You will be credited 88% of this cost when the sale is completed.
In other words, if you set your US shipping cost to $10, your buyer will pay a $10 shipping cost. You will collect $8.80 of this cost upon completion of the sale. If you set your Canada shipping cost to $20, your buyer will pay $20 in shipping and you will collect $17.60 of this shipping cost.
When you make a sale, you will see an "Add Tracking Number" from the Update Label button on your swap page.
Clicking this will load the buyer's address and a tracking number input. As with any offline shipment, the swap will update as the tracking does.